The Class of ’95 fundraiser raises £1220

On November 21st Lisa’s Class of ’95 at Hounsdown School, Totton had a school re-union and  fundraiser to raise money for the charity. It was also an opportunity to recognise their school mates who had not lived to see the event – seven students have died since they left Hounsdown in 1995. The event was attended by over one hundred people at Totton and Eling Social Club, including the parents of some of the deceased youths. The Band Driftwood were the main turn and provided great music on the night, supported by Joey Brenig-Jones and Mike Vaughn. The event was presented by Lynne White–whose idea it was to hold the event–and Clive Wilson, who also spoke about the charity. The entry fees and raffle and DVD sales helped bring the money raised on the night to  £1220; a great effort and many thanks to all concerned.

The Lisa Wilson Bursary Presentations November 2015

In November, a large number of guests attended the 13th Lisa Wilson Scholarship Bursary Award Presentations at Southampton Solent University.
Four of the six students who received the awards were on hand to be presented with their cheques by Trish and Clive Wilson (Lisa’s parents). As well as six new students, a further ten students this year receive bursaries for their continued studies. This now brings the total of students to receive support through the charity to over 90.
During the same week, Clive Wilson presented Heather Katy Lewis with the Lisa Wilson Award for Outstanding Achievement. Heather graduated with a BA (First Class Hons) in Popular Music Journalism.

Bursary recipient Lucy Campbell

Here is a video clip of Lucie Campbell, one of our students we funded in her bid to work on stage. Lucy is now a lead vocalist onboard Aida Cruises ships. Here she is, performing Blondie’s “Call Me” during a Baltic cruise in June 2015. She has come a long way and we are very proud of her achievements.

13th Lisa Wilson Golf Day breaks all records

DSC04398Trish Wilson wins Ladies’ Nearest The Pin

The 13th Lisa Wilson Golf Day at Wellow on Saturday 25th was an overwhelming success. Whilst the weather had been atrocious on the Friday before, Lisa sent a lovely day of sunshine for the golfers to enjoy. With 100 Wellow members playing in the members tournament and 36 in the friends and guests competition the golf was really well supported.

Some 80 friends sponsors and guests came along for the evening meal and about the same number of members, filling the clubhouse with 160 for the prize giving and star cabaret.

Former Scholarship winner Charlotte Lystor spoke emotionally about her experience as a recipient of a Lisa Wilson Scholarship and the life changing way in which it had affected her life.

The star cabaret was performed by singer/songwriter and comedian, Steve Womack, who delivered an outstanding performance. The raffle raised £755 and the silent auction raised £1055. After the raffle,the  singer and good friend entertained the audience with his usual smooth style and had everyone on the dance floor until the close at midnight.

With sponsorship and donations coming in at over £7000 plus members entry fees, the amount of money raised is expected to be in excess of £9000–another 9 years added to Lisa’s amazing legacy.

Thank you all for your amazing support.