Lisa’s Father on the BBC

The night of the charity event to celebrate what would have been Lisa’s 40th birthday, her father Clive was invited to BBC Solent studios to take part in an interview about the charity and outline the goals and accomplishments of The Lisa Wilson Scholarship fund, and of course talk about Lisa. He did a stand up job and we’re all sure Lisa would have been proud to see him represent the work he and her mother Trish have accomplished over the years in her name.

Lisa’s Dream event raises over £11,000

A very emotional 40th birthday party and gala dinner at Solent University raised over £11,000 for charity benefitting the Lisa Wilson Scholarship Fund.

On Friday evening, one hundred and twenty special guests attended the gala dinner in honor of Lisa who would have been 40 years old on March 15th. The guests included Vice Chancellor Graham Baldwin from SolentUniversity, some of Lisa’s school, college and uni friends, plus family members and other special guests. The evening was packed with tributes and video of Lisa on her journey around the world.

A raffle auction and silent auction took place raising in excess of £11,000 for the charity. Many celebrities had donated memorabilia, including honary doctotare from the university Craig David who donated a guitar used on the making of his last album.

There was cabaret from Lucie Campbell who has previously been supported by the charity, plus Martin Murphy and his daughter Danni. Comedian and impressionist Mike Osman hosted the evening and did the second half of the show as ‘The Donald’ Trump, followed by dancing to Abba Rival to round the night off, as Lisa has always been a ‘Dancing Queen.

It was an incredible evening, and wonderful to see so many supporters of the charity.

To date we have raised over £290,000, and some ninety seven students have benefitted from the charity. As every £1000 represents a year in a student’s life, Lisa’s Legacy has now become 290 years of education.

Lisa’s Dream 2019

Lisa’s Dream was a short slideshow of images from Lisa’s trip across the globe before she tragically lost her life – Until this moment she was living her dream with all the vibrant energy and love of life she was so well known for. As part of Lisa’s 40th birthday celebrations, Clive and Trish arranged for the original slide show to be updated and re-imagined by her brother Ross in an effort to keep her dream alive and help us to remember not just her journey but her adventurous and inspiring spirit.